Early Childhood

Our Early Childhood curriculum combines Play, Social-Emotional development and a Classical Liberal Arts Education for a lifetime filled with a love of learning and exploration.


Early Childhood Curriculum

We aim to spark curiosity, encourage a love for learning, and build a strong foundation for intellectual growth. Our curriculum embraces children's natural curiosity, creating a space where wonder and exploration are encouraged. Our teachers are crucial in fostering a safe and nurturing space that allows children to explore their natural independence and love of learning.

Our Authentic Approach

In an authentic Catholic Montessori school, teachers approach children as individuals, nurturing their God-given interests and abilities to cultivate a lifelong love of learning. Hands-on, developmentally appropriate learning occurs in a carefully prepared environment. Respectful movement is unlimited, teaching children coordination and self-regulation as part of the normal school day. Children can take their time, concentrating on those things that they enjoy under gentle guidance, without the artificial interruptions of a traditional school schedule.

“The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.”

Maria Montessori

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